At Last: Bláithín


I notice, as I leaf lazily (and metaphorically) through my blog, that I haven’t written anything about knitting since August. This came as quite a surprise, as I probably spent more time knitting last autumn than I did sewing. There was the purple cardi, which I sort of finished, and then decided needed the button band re-doing (it’s currently sitting on my sofa with the button band removed but not replaced), a couple of baby presents, but mostly this cardiBláithín by Kate Davies.

Two cardis, you think, that doesn’t sound like so much. Oh if only you knew, dear reader, the sorrows I faced. Perhaps I exaggerate. Not sorrows, then, let’s call it frustration. Continue reading “At Last: Bláithín”

Agnes again 

Back last year, if you remember, I made this jumper for my sister for Christmas, and then completely failed to get a picture of her wearing it. My best persuasions and threats were to no avail. But eventually we found ourselves in the same place at the same time. So I forced her into it, frogmarched her outside and pointed a camera at her. Now you  can actually see what it looks like in real life, being worn, rather than just lying on my floor.

P1190275 Continue reading “Agnes again “

The Remains of 2014 – Agnes


This was meant to be a joint post about Christmas jumpers with the post about Guston, but unfortunately I forgot to get pictures of my sister wearing it, and my subsequent requests for pictures… well, blood and stones don’t come close, so here is the post sans modelled photo. The jumper is another Agnes, also in Drops Nepal wool, like the one I made for myself, this time in Old Pink, which I love. It’s not quite as boxy as mine, because I made some mods to the original pattern to make it a bit looser-fitting for me. Continue reading “The Remains of 2014 – Agnes”

Agnes Jumper (3)


Agnes was finished two weeks ago, but until this weekend I haven’t had a chance to get any pictures of Agnes-in-action. Spring is definitely springing, and this afternoon was lovely and sunny, although the wind still nips a bit, demonstrating that Agnes is perfect for the days that the sun through my kitchen window persuades me that going out without a coat is a clever idea. Continue reading “Agnes Jumper (3)”